
Frequently Asked Questions

Are you required to be an ELSA member in order to apply for an ELSA Law School?

No, ELSA Law Schools are open to everyone. However, being an ELSA member is an advantage since you pay the special participation fee.

Are you required to be a law student/young lawyer in order to apply for an ELSA Law School?

No, ELSA Law Schools are open to everyone, thus non - law students and non - lawyers are eligible to apply.

Are you required to be 18+ to apply for ELSA Law Schools?

No, ELSA Law Schools are open to everyone, thus people under 18 can also apply.

How much is the Participation Fee for ELSA Law School?

The amount of the fee depends on your ELSA membership and the location of the ELSA Law School. ELSA members pay a special fee according to the country where they are enrolled as an ELSA member. The Participation Fee for non - ELSA members is not regulated by ELSA International and is set by the Organising Committees of each ELSA Law School.

How much is the maximum Participation Fee for an ELSA member from a non-favoured country?

Depending on the location of the ELSA Law School, the maximum Participation Fee for an ELSA member from a non-favoured country can be between 375 - 425 € for the first seven days of an ELSA Law School. If the ELSA Law School takes place for more than seven days, each additional day may cost up to a maximum of 60 €.

How much is the maximum Participation Fee for an ELSA member from a favoured country?

Depending on the location of the ELSA Law School, the maximum Participation Fee for an ELSA member from a favoured country can be between 335 - 385 € for the first seven days of an ELSA Law School. If the ELSA Law School takes place for more than seven days, each additional day may cost up to a maximum of 55 €.

Is the Organising Committee allowed to ask me for more than the Participation Fee?

The Organising Committee may offer activities that are not part of the official programme of the ELSA Law School; these are provided as extra fees, and selecting them is optional. The extra fees that Organising Committees usually provide are the following: Gala Ball/Gala Reception up to 55 € and transfer from and to the point of arrival up to 30 €.

Why does the maximum Participation Fee change based on the location of the ELSA Law School?

The maximum Participation Fee changes based on the location of the ELSA Law School to reflect the varying costs associated with organising ELSA Law Schools in different countries. Some countries within the ELSA Network incur higher expenses due to factors like local fees, and logistics. By adjusting our fees to match these costs, we aim to ensure equal quality for our ELSA Law Schools, regardless of where they are held.

Which countries are favoured and which are non-favoured?

The favoured countries are: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Georgia, North Macedonia, the Republic of Moldova, Türkiye, Serbia, and Ukraine. All other countries are considered to be non-favoured. Being a member of an ELSA Group located in a favoured country determines your participation fee, not your nationality.

What is included in the Participation Fee?

The participation fee includes the following: the Academic Programme, the Social Programme, the Cultural Programme (e.g. sightseeing), accommodation during the official programme of an ELSA Law School, breakfast for every day (excluding the day of arrival), lunch for every day (excluding either the day of arrival or the day of departure), dinner for every day (excluding the day of departure), transportation during the official programme of an ELSA Law School, and administrative costs.

When should I apply for a Winter ELSA Law School?

Winter ELSA Law Schools will be back in October 2024.

When should I apply for a Summer ELSA Law School?

The application period for Summer ELSA Law Schools will open on 18.03.2024 and will close on 21.04.2024.

When will I get notified about the outcome of my application for Summer ELSA Law Schools?

Applicants will be notified about the outcome of their application on 02.05.2024.

Am I required to have some kind of knowledge about the topic of the ELSA Law School I applied for before signing up?

Prior knowledge may be a requirement depending on the ELSA Law School's level of advancement. Prior knowledge is not required for Introductory ELSA Law Schools, but it may be considered an advantage for Organising Committees of Intermediate and Advanced ELSA Law Schools.

Will I get a certificate of participation after attending an ELSA Law School?

A certificate of participation will be awarded to participants who have attended at least 85% of the academic programme.

How are the participants selected?

The participants are selected by the relevant Organising Committee of the ELSA Law School and will be chosen on the basis of their motivation letter and CV. Cultural diversity will also play a role during the selection process.