
Batumi – State Security and International Law


We are delighted to welcome you to the very first edition of Summer ELSA Law School Batumi on State Security and International Law, which will take place between July 27- August 3, 2024.

ELSA Georgia is pleased to host the Summer ELSA Law School Batumi in cooperation with the Georgian Aviation Academy and Batumi State Maritime Academy. In today's rapidly evolving global landscape, understanding state security and international law dynamics is more critical than ever. As nations navigate complex geopolitical challenges, it becomes imperative for policymakers, legal practitioners, and scholars alike to grasp the nuanced interplay between safeguarding national interests and upholding international legal frameworks.

Our Academic Programme will offer Participants a unique opportunity to delve into the multifaceted realm of state security and international law, exploring its intricacies across land, sea, and air domains. Through a comprehensive curriculum curated by leading experts in the field, Participants will gain profound insights into the legal principles, challenges, and mechanisms governing state security on the international stage.

The Social Programme of SELS Batumi invites participants to discover Georgian culture, foster connections, and create lasting memories by engaging in cultural and social activities. We hope that our prepared activities will allow Participants to enjoy our country, meet our culture, taste our cuisine and create long-lasting memories.

We invite you to join us on this enriching journey as we unravel the complexities of state security and international law, shaping a more secure and just world for future generations and spend the summer of your live in Batumi!

Participation fees
ELSA Member from a favoured country - 335€
ELSA Member from a non-favoured country - 375€
Members of a partner organisation – 400€
Alumni of ELSA – 400€
Non-member - 400€
Extra fees
Gala Ball - 50€
Two-way Airport Transfer - 30€
Trip to Martvili Canyon - 50€
SELS Batumi T-shirt - 15€
Extra Night - 55€
Batumi, Georgia
Hotel General
Maximum number of participants
Date of arrival
Date of departure
Academic Partner
Georgian Aviation University
Batumi State Maritime Academy
Complexity of Academic Programme
Academic Programme

The Academic Programme of SELS Batumi aims to provide an extremely interesting theoretical part enriched with practical examples, so the articipants will have an opportunity to gain knowledge in the field of State Security and International Law. Our Academic Programme will foster a dynamic learning environment that encourages active participation, collaboration, and critical thinking. By bringing together a diverse cohort of professionals, academics, and policymakers, Participants will have the opportunity to exchange perspectives, share experiences, and forge invaluable networks that extend beyond the confines of the classroom.

The draft Academic Programme of SELS Batumi is the following (subject to change):

  • Saturday
    • None (Arrivals)
  • Sunday
    • None
  • Monday
    • Overview of State Security and its importance in International Relations
    • Introduction to International Law and its relevance to State Security
    • Historical perspectives on State Security and International Law
    • Principles of International Public Law
  • Tuesday
    • Threats to State Security on Land: Terrorism, Insurgency, and Armed Conflict
    • International Humanitarian Law and the Protection of Civilians
    • Use of Force and Self-defense under International Law
    • Case Study Analysis: Conflict Zones and Legal Implications
  • Wednesday
    • Maritime Security Challenges: Piracy, Illegal Fishing, and Trafficking
    • Law of the Sea Convention and Maritime Boundary Disputes
    • Military Activities in Exclusive Economic Zones
    • International Cooperation in Maritime Security
  • Thursday
    • Airspace Sovereignty and Security
    • International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and Air Security Regulations
    • Air Defense Identification Zones (ADIZ) and National Security
    • Cybersecurity Threats in Aviation
  • Friday
    • Emerging Challenges in State Security: Cybersecurity, Environmental Security, and Space Security
    • Human Rights vs. National Security: Balancing Act
    • Policy Approaches to Enhancing State Security within International Legal Frameworks
    • Simulation Exercise: Crisis Management and Legal Decision-Making
  • Saturday
    • None (Departures)
Apply here