
Brussel – The Law of Armed Conflict and its Consequences


ELSA Brussel presents you the second edition of its Summer ELSA Law School, which will take place between July 20- 27, 2024, in Brussels, Belgium. Brussels is sometimes called the heart of Europe: there is no better place to learn! The topic we will address is International Armed Conflicts and their consequences.

In today's world, it is extremely important for a lawyer to be further trained in this matter in order to really make a difference. Participants will dive into the intricacies of global conflict, examining its multifaceted layers and the pivotal role international organisations play in navigating these challenges. They will also explore the impact of Humanitarian Law on conflict management and gain valuable insights into migration crises through engaging discussions and dynamic Model UN simulations. In collaboration with our Academic Partners, Vrije Universiteit Brussel and the Belgian Group of the International Society for Military Law and Law of War, this Programme promises to stimulate debates and provide hands-on experience. Get ready to enhance your understanding of global issues and prepare for a future career as a peacemaking lawyer.

Apart from the Academic Programme, we are ready to provide Participants with an unforgettable journey through the vibrant heart of Brussels! For this purpose, we have curated an array of cultural and social activities that promise to dazzle and delight our Patricipants' senses. SELS Brussel Participants will be able to explore the famous Atomium and soak in the city's best spots. Furthermore, they will celebrate the National Holiday with us as we host awesome festivities all over town! They will embark on a fascinating exploration of Brussels' rich history and heritage! We'll take them on tours of the majestic Brussels and captivating museums. And when the sun shines, we'll hit the streets for unforgettable outdoor sightseeing, soaking in the city's iconic landmarks and bustling energy.

 Are you ready to learn and forge lifelong bonds at the same time? Wonderful experiences await you in a world city that you will never forget! Join us in this learning school to better understand current legal situations together and help build a new world.

More information can be found on our Facebook or Instagram pages!

Participation fees
ELSA Member from a favoured country - 335€
ELSA Member from a non-favoured country - 375€
Members of a partner organisation – 400€
ELSA Alumni – 400€
Non-member - 420€
Extra fees
Gala Ball - 50€
Two-way Airport Transfer -30€
Personalised SELS Brussel T-shirt - 30€
Brussels, Belgium
Gîte d’étape-Auberge de Jeunesse Jacques Brel, Brussels
Maximum number of participants
Date of arrival
Academic Partner
Free University of Brussels (VUB)
Belgian Group of the International Society for Military Law and Law of War
Complexity of Academic Programme
Academic Programme

During our Academic Programme, Participants will delve into the heart of international conflict; they will explore its complex layers, the crucial role of international organisations in navigating these challenges, and how Humanitarian Law shapes conflict management. This thought-provoking Programme will immerse Participants in discussions on migration crises, ignite stimulating debates, and offer hands-on experience through Model UN simulations. During SELS Brussel, Participants will have a deeper understanding of global issues and how they can contribute to a more peaceful world as lawyers in their future careers! With the help of our Academic Partners, Vrije Universiteit Brussel and the Belgian Group of the International Society for Military Law and Law of War (with great thanks to Mr. Alfons Vanheusden), we will offer you the best speakers in the field and provide you with a full overview on this interesting topic!

  • Saturday
    • None (Arrivals)
  • Sunday
    • None (National Belgian Holiday)
  • Monday  
    • Introduction to International Law of Armed Conflict
    • Introduction to the International Institutions 
    • Peacekeeping operations
  • Tuesday
    • Discussing Armed Conflicts of today: a perspective 
    • Lecture on “The UN and its Involvement in Armed Conflicts
  • Wednesday
    • Humanitarian Law
    • Disquisition about possible consequences: Migration 
    • The interplay with Human Rights Law
  • Thursday
    • Institutional Visit to the EU Parliament 
    • A guided debate on “Today’s situation regarding the International law of Armed Conflict”
  • Friday
    • Model United Nations: A Simulation about Diplomacy and International Relations
  • Saturday
    • None (Departures)
Apply here