
Copenhagen – AI and Technology in Law


ELSA Copenhagen is proud to present its 13th edition of Summer ELSA Law School Copenhagen, which will take place from August 4-11, 2024. Participants are invited to a week in Scandinavia filled with exciting insights into AI and Technology in Law combined with all of Copenhagen's recreational activities.

The Academic Programme of our SELS will focus on AI and Technology in Law, offering Participants the opportunity to visit numerous companies, law firms, and organisations and provide them with insights into the impact of AI and Technology In Law. Throughout the week, Participants will gain valuable insights into the dynamic interaction between the rapidly evolving tech industry and the dynamic legal landscape as it endeavours to keep pace. Topics will encompass, among others, regulations on AI, legal tech, and high-frequency trading.

While delving into AI and Technology in Law, Participants will get a taste of Copenhagen's everyday life, and vibrant nightlife. Through our Cultural Programme, local food tasting, and sightseeing, Participants will explore the city's charm, while creating connections and friendships for life as well as unforgettable memories.

We look forward to welcoming you to Copenhagen; take advantage of this opportunity and apply now!

For more information on our SELS, you can check the Social Media of ELSA Copenhagen and SELS Copenhagen.

Participation fees
ELSA Member from a favoured country - 335€
ELSA Member from a non-favoured country - 375€
Members of a partner organisation – 400€
ELSA Alumni – 400€
Non-member - 400€
Extra fees
Gala Ball - 50€
Tivoli Entrance & Ride Pass - 50€
Copenhagen, Denmark
Generator Hostel, Copenhagen
Maximum number of participants
Date of arrival
Date of departure
Academic Partner
The University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Law
Complexity of Academic Programme
Academic Programme

Throughout our Academic Programme, you will be introduced to the various legal and technical perspectives of AI and Technology in the modern legal system.

We will start the week with the basics – a general introduction to the rules and principles governing the use of AI and Technology. Following this, Participants will delve into the specific areas of the main topic – such as legal tech, software development and AI in decision-making processes. At the end of the week, Participants will engage in discussions, review arguments, and address dilemmas surrounding AI and Technology in law through a Moot Court and/or workshop.

The following introduces the draft Academic Programme of our SELS (subject to change):

  • Sunday
    • None (Arrivals)
  • Monday
    • Corporate Law Firm visit with a focus on the regulation of AI and Technology
    • Visit and lecture at a legal tech firm
  • Tuesday
    • Law firm visit – AI within different fields of law 
    • Introduction to a data-powered legal platform – visit and talk about the integration of AI within legal processes
  • Wednesday
    • Presentation on “How AI and Technology influences the modern day consulting business”
    • Lecture on “Black Box AI and Legal Decision Making”
  • Thursday
    • Bank visit on high-frequency trading
    • Technology and Law from a software company’s point of view
  • Friday
    • Moot Court and/or Workshop on topics covered throughout the week
  • Saturday
    • None
  • Sunday
    • None (Departures)
Apply here