
Geneva – Arbitration


ELSA Switzerland is organising its 6th Summer ELSA Law School, taking place from July 21 - 28, 2024. Set in the heart of Geneva, often dubbed the "Capital of Peace", our event offers a unique opportunity to explore the intricacies of arbitration amidst the breathtaking landscapes of Switzerland.

This year's edition of the Summer ELSA Law School Geneva provides an exceptional learning platform for aspiring law students and young lawyers who want to deepen their legal knowledge of arbitration. Led by renowned practitioners, engaging workshops and seminars will cover various aspects of Arbitration. At the end of the week, Participants will be able to apply the knowledge acquired during a moot court.

Beyond the Academic Programme, Summer ELSA Law School Geneva offers many fun activities; sightseeing in Geneva, a visit to one of the most beautiful villages of Switzerland and wine tasting make for a memorable experience while visiting the United Nations Office will provide a glimpse into global governance. Last but not least, our trip to a chocolate factory will provide Participants with a chance to see where the best chocolate in the world is being made!

Join us for a week of unforgettable experiences in Geneva this summer!

You can find more information on our SELS on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn.

Participation fees
ELSA Member from a favoured country - 335€
ELSA Member from a non-favoured country - 375€
Members of a partner organisation – 400€
ELSA Alumni – 400€
Non-member - 400€
Extra fees
Gala Ball - 50€
Two-way Airport Transfer - 30€
One-way Airport Transfer - 20€
SELS Geneva T-shirt - 15€
Extra Night - 50€
Geneva, Switzerland
Geneva Hostel, Geneva
Maximum number of participants
Date of arrival
Date of departure
Academic Partner
University of Geneva
Complexity of Academic Programme
Academic Programme

The Academic Programme of SELS Geneva will feature lectures and workshops, offering diverse insights into Arbitration Law. The Programme will start with a comprehensive introduction to Swiss Arbitration, followed by a lecture on current hot topics in Arbitration. Throughout the week, Participants will explore various aspects of Arbitration Law, including Investment Arbitration, Sports Arbitration and Corruption in International Arbitration. 

Below is the preliminary Academic Programme of SELS Geneva on Arbitration (subject to change):

  • Sunday
    • None (Arrivals)
  • Monday
    • Lecture on Introduction to Swiss Arbitration and the Swiss Rules
    • Lecture on Hot Topics in Arbitration
    • Lecture on Sports Arbitration
  • Tuesday
    • Lecture on IP Arbitration
    • Lecture on Mergers and Acquisition and Arbitration
    • Visit to “Palais des Nations” – United Nations Office 
  • Wednesday
    • Lecture on Corruption in International Arbitration
    • Workshop on Moot Court
  • Thursday
    • Visit to the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center
    • Lecture on Third-Party Funding
  • Friday
    • Lecture on Investment Arbitration
    • Lecture on Construction Arbitration
  • Saturday
    • None (Swiss Day)
  • Sunday
    • None (Departures)
Apply here